JFrog (杰蛙科技)
- Venue: Multi-function Room, KITEC
- Date: 7/11/2017 15:45
JFrog Youtube Channel
- can link with Git, Sonar, JUnit, JIRA, XRay (Security Scan)
- jFrog plugin for Jenkins
artifact's naming convention:
- Artifactory Query Language
- find the artifact by metadata, e.g. findByPassRate.aql
Git Branch vs Trunk
Git Branch (Feature Branch) | Trunk |
- pull request and verify, very slow -not suitable for Startup and fast development |
- short-living branch - feature toggle - A/B testing: can toggle feature remotely - suitable for senior developers |
Quality Gate
- a gate between the environments
- DEV -> Team Build -> Integration Test -> Stage -> Production
DevOps Team
- provide a pipeline template to developers
- developers should focus on development, not manage the environment
- Good Practice: 50% write code, 50% write testing code
- Versioning tool for DB, keep track the schema changes
- data analytics service for log mgmt in cloud
Link up the teams to DevOps:
- Development teams
- Support, Operations
- JIRA: QAO, Eric, Maggie Chau
- CI/CD: EA2
- Cloud: CCC, Edmond
- PLTE: SC, Pegasus