Decision Point for Selecting Your Mobile App Architecture


Criteria Description
Portability The ability to deliver an app to multiple platforms using a single development tool, framework and programming language
Maintenance The ease with which a development team is able to make changes to a mobile app
Manageability The ease of delivering an updated version of a mobile app to the mobile device, including the ease of initial deployments to user devices, ease of managing app upgrades, data synchronization, remote wipe, and authentication and authorization
App Store Presence The presence of an app in an app storefront, such as Apple's App Store or Google Play
Common Native Capabilities Access to common capabilities found across all mobile platforms, including camera, GPS, calendar and email
Proprietary Native Capabilities Access to proprietary capabilities found on a single mobile platform �X examples include Touch ID on iOS and widgets on Android
Interapp Communication The ability for an app to invoke another app and share data
Native Characteristics The control a developer has on ensuring the app conforms to basic native characteristics, such as an app icon on a home screen, fine-grained control over gestures, and not being required to enter a URL to access the app
Security The ability to build and/or link security and identity capabilities into the app and to code the app in a secure way
Performance The rendering, responsiveness and execution speed of the app
Architectural Agility The ease with which a developer is able to switch between alternative architectures
Simplicity The overall simplicity of the architectural alternative
Leverage Web Skills Leverages your team's existing Web development skills
Leverage Native Skills Leverages your team's existing native development skills

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